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Molten Metal

Pools of Molten Metal


It is not easy to “melt” structural steel. (Keep in mind, we're not talking about the temperature at which steel weakens and loses its structural integrity, we're talking about the temperature at which it is literally reduced to a liquid / molten state.)


To date, nobody has suggested the fires on 9/11 reached the required 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit (1,539 Celsius) needed to produce molten steel. Why? Because just as structural steel has a “maximum temperature” it can withstand before turning liquid, a typical building fire has “maximum temperatures” it is capable of producing. NONE of the known fuel sources burning in the buildings on 9/11 could have reached the required threshold.


As a matter of fact, the widely touted culprit of 9/11 (jet fuel) has a maximum burn temperature far lower than what is required to liquify steel. Jet Fuel's maximum burn temperature is less than 1,700 degrees Fahrenheit. The other fuel sources (desks, carpet, paper, etc.), could have reached temperatures of up to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit under ideal conditions. -Closer, but still nowhere near hot enough to create the widely reported "pools of molten steel." 


Because it is impossible for temperatures less than the melting point of steel to liquify steel, we may reasonably conclude the following:


1) Something that "burns" much hotter than jet fuel, diesel fuel, desks, carpet, paper and other building materials must have been present and active in the WTC buildings; otherwise, there would have been no molten iron. ***Note: Physical samples of the (previously) molten iron have been retrieved from the WTC wreckage; the jury is no longer "out" on whether or not it existed.


2) Whatever was hot enough to create the molten iron was also hot enough to cut through the massive steel support columns.


3) By deliberately ignoring this "smoking gun" physical evidence, the official account is a demonstrable fraud. 



The article above was taken from The 1-Hour Guide to 9/11


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